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Monday 24 June 2024

The Global Business Week 2024 will be held in Istanbul on June 29 - July 2

We will meet there with hundreds of global business leaders from 35+ countries. But let's know more about Turkish Business Etiquette in advance.

Business Etiquette

Corporate social responsibility has become a vital and popular issue in Turkey. It has become apparent to businesses that developing the sustainability of resources is as important as financial sustainability.

Business interest in corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility is growing in Turkey. According to a recent survey of leading Turkish automotive distribution companies, there is a rising awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility in Turkey.

The findings of the survey highlighted the need for the Turkish parliament to pass relevant legislation and introduce tax incentives in order to promote corporate social responsibility and provide programs for community involvement, especially in education.


Turkish people are very traditional and formal when doing business. Therefore, scheduling appointments in advance is important. Furthermore, Turkish people value punctuality and expect international professionals engaging in business with them to do the same. If for some reason you are going to be late, it is essential to call ahead as soon as possible with a reasonable explanation.

Gift giving

In business relationships, gift-giving is not generally practised. If you decide to give a gift, avoid expensive gifts and choose something small, such as a souvenir from your home country. For social occasions like birthdays, weddings, and religious ceremonies, gift-giving is normal.

Business dress code

Styles of business attire in Turkey, particularly in the larger cities, are pretty much the same as in other developed countries. Men wear a conservative suit and tie, while women normally wear business suits with either a skirt or pants. During the summer, lighter clothes are acceptable; men can wear a shirt and trousers without a jacket and perhaps even a tie, depending on the formality of the business. Women can wear lighter clothes, without a jacket but make sure not to wear anything too tight or revealing.

Why Attend?

  • Global Networking: Connect with over 1,000 business leaders, innovators, and policymakers from 35+ countries.
  • Key Themes: Explore the latest trends in digital transformation, sustainability, and global economic strategies.
  • Exclusive Insights: Attend panels and workshops led by top industry experts and gain actionable insights into emerging markets and business etiquette in Turkey.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Learn about legislative incentives and successful CSR initiatives.

Unique Experience:

  • Cultural Exchange: Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Istanbul, with curated events showcasing Turkish hospitality and traditions.
  • Innovative Solutions: Discover cutting-edge technologies and sustainable business practices that can drive your business forward.

Join Us!

  • Early Bird Registration: Secure your spot now and take advantage of early bird discounts.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Form strategic alliances and partnerships that can open new avenues for growth and expansion.

Don't miss this unparalleled opportunity to position your business at the forefront of global innovation and leadership.

For more information and to register, visit Global Business Week 2024.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Startup "Focus" Changes the Lives of Teenagers

Students of MiniBoss Business School created a project "Focus" that changes the lives of teenagers.

Our guest is a true enthusiast of his work, who, together with his team, creates unique courses and programs that help young people overcome fears, develop and achieve their dreams. Let's learn more about this project, its purpose, challenges, and future plans.

- Hello Lev! How are you doing, how is your summer going?

- Hello! The summer is going well, relaxing, I am personally preparing for the World Championship and other events in my life.

- That sounds cool! Our main topic today is your project, because it is really interesting to see you in a new role, let's say, as the captain of a social project. Please tell us about your project. What inspired you to create it?

- Our project "Focus" is aimed at motivating teenagers through our original content. This motivation is directed not towards changes, no, but towards transforming their lives. The inspiration came from the summer of 2023, when I spent almost all the time at home, sometimes going out only for training. I realized that something needed to change, and then I thought, why not do it here, at MiniBoss. And that's how it happened!

- What are the main goals and mission of your project?

- The goal of our project is to motivate our target audience (i.e., teenagers studying in middle/high school and university) to change/transform their lives. Our mission is to carry, you could say, such a "Great Fire" of motivation and success to people. For example, this month we are holding our, hopefully not the first, course "Extroverts Marathon 21", the goal of which is to overcome social phobia in one's, well...let's say body, which has been present in people since childhood. I think you all have felt those moments when you are afraid to do something in terms of communication with people. This is the direction we are working in.

- Your project "Focus" sounds very interesting and really inspiring. Motivation and life transformation for teenagers is an interesting topic, especially in our time when youth faces many challenges and obstacles. I know many teenagers need support to unlock their potential and find their way in life, I went through it myself. I am very interested to hear more about how your project helps teenagers. Lev, you mentioned the "Extroverts Marathon 21". It sounds like a very interesting thing. Could you tell us more about this course? What specific methods and approaches do you use to help participants overcome social phobia?

Saturday 15 June 2024

AvatArt Studio: Digital AI Technology is a future of Your Business

Young startuppers, Maksym Vlasenko and Anastasiia Azarova, who will represent the United Kingdom at the upcoming Startup World Cup Championship 2024 in Istanbul shared with us their groundbreaking startup and discussed the emerging trends of business avatarization in the coming years. 
These ambitious entrepreneurs have developed a startup that leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence and digital technologies to create lifelike business avatars. Their platform, aptly named AvatArt Studio, provides businesses with the tools to digitize their brand presence and create highly personalized digital avatars that can represent them in various online and virtual environments.

The Rise of Business Avatarization
“We envision a future where every business, regardless of size, can have a dynamic and engaging digital presence,” said one of the co-founders, Maksym. “Our avatars are not just static images but interactive, adaptive representations that can engage with customers, provide information, and even conduct transactions in real time.”

The concept of avatarization is rapidly gaining traction as businesses seek new ways to connect with their audiences in an increasingly digital world. This trend involves creating digital avatars—animated, virtual representations of real individuals or brands—that can interact with customers on social media, websites, and virtual platforms.

“Business avatarization is the next frontier in digital marketing and customer engagement,” explained another team member, Anastasiia. “With advancements in AI and machine learning, avatars can now replicate human expressions, voice tones, and even body language, making interactions more authentic and personalized.”

Advantages of Business Avatarization
The young entrepreneurs highlighted several key benefits of adopting business avatars:
Enhanced Customer Engagement: Digital avatars can provide a more interactive and engaging customer experience, responding to queries and providing support around the clock.
Cost-Effective Solutions: By utilizing avatars, businesses can reduce the need for large customer support teams, leading to significant cost savings.
Global Reach: Avatars can communicate in multiple languages and operate in different time zones, helping businesses reach a global audience effortlessly.
Brand Consistency: Avatars ensure consistent brand messaging and presence across various digital platforms.
Future Trends in Avatarization
The team believes that avatarization will become increasingly sophisticated and widespread in the coming years. 
Some of the trends they anticipate include:
 AI-Driven Personalization: Avatars will use AI to provide highly personalized interactions based on customer data and preferences.
Virtual Reality Integration: Businesses will utilize avatars in virtual reality environments, creating immersive customer experiences.
Emotional Intelligence: Avatars will be equipped with emotional intelligence, allowing them to recognize and respond to customer emotions effectively.
Seamless Integration: Avatars will be seamlessly integrated into existing business processes, from customer service to marketing and sales.

Preparing for the Startup World Championship
As they prepare to showcase their innovative startup on the global stage, the young entrepreneurs are optimistic about the future of business avatarization. “We are excited to represent the UK and demonstrate how our technology can transform businesses worldwide,” they shared. “Our goal is to set a new standard for digital interaction and help businesses thrive in the digital age.”

The World Championship provides an excellent platform for these young visionaries to present their ideas, gain international exposure, and attract potential investors and partners. With their passion and innovative spirit, they are poised to make a significant impact in the world of business and technology.

In conclusion, the young startuppers from the UK are at the forefront of a digital revolution that promises to reshape how businesses interact with their customers. Their startup, AvatArt Studio, exemplifies the potential of business avatarization to enhance customer engagement, improve operational efficiency, and expand global reach. As they prepare to compete at the World Championship, their vision and determination offer a glimpse into the future of digital business.

AvatArt is an art of business digitalization. More Money, Less Work!
Book a meeting with us at

Wednesday 12 June 2024

About 90 countries to take part in the Swiss-hosted Ukraine peace summit. Russia won’t attend

Switzerland — Nearly 90 countries and organizations, half from Europe, have confirmed attending the Swiss-hosted Ukraine peace summit over the weekend, Switzerland’s president said Monday. However, Russia won’t be there.

Moscow has not been invited but says it would not have attended anyway as the conference is based on the peace proposals of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that Russia rejects.

President Viola Amherd told reporters in the Swiss capital, Bern, that the summit, on Saturday and Sunday, will aim to chart a path toward possible peace nearly 28 months after Russian forces invaded Ukraine and the war grinding on.

“This is not about propaganda,” said Amherd. “This is about the basis of humanitarian aid provided by Switzerland, based on fostering peace (and) to provide a platform to initiate a dialogue.”

The Swiss president said that most participants would be top country leaders, with about half represented at the head of state or government level, and “a handful” from organizations like the United Nations.

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz are expected to attend the summit at the Bürgenstock resort overlooking Lake Lucerne in the village of Obbürgen.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will take part on behalf of the United States. President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, will join Harris as part of the U.S. delegation.

About 160 invitations have been sent out and Amherd said it was not a “disappointment” for the Swiss government that fewer than 100 have so far announced participation in the first phase of the peace process.

Swiss authorities said the final list of participants was expected by Friday, but key developing countries like Turkey, South Africa and Brazil haven’t indicated whether they would attend. India they said, will take part but it isn’t clear at which level.

Brazil and China said they wouldn’t take part unless both sides – including Russia – were at the table, according to Swiss officials. Beijing has been one of the top supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin since the war started, and has said the criteria for its participation will be “hard to meet.”

Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis also addressed reporters, saying Switzerland has repeatedly acknowledged that there cannot be a peace process without Russia. “The question is not whether Russia will be on board, the question is when.”

He also said Switzerland is in frequent contact with authorities in Moscow about the conference.

Ukraine has helped coordinate the summit, and Zelenskyy is expected to attend. Cassis said Swiss officials had to balance considerations that Ukraine might not have attended if Russia was represented.

Zelenskyy has gone on a diplomatic push to try and lure attendees to the summit. He has also accused China and Russia of trying to undermine it. The Swiss-hosted conference follows on the heels of the G7 summit in neighbouring Italy.

Swiss officials say the conference aims to set a course toward “lasting peace” in Ukraine, to reach a “common understanding” toward getting there, and draw up the “roadmap” on how to get both sides involved in talks. Nuclear security, humanitarian aid and food security are also on the summit’s agenda.

As many as 4,000 military personnel will be deployed to provide security and support air transportation, surveillance and roll out security fencing and steel wire for the event, officials said, adding that an increase in cyberattacks in the run-up to the summit was noted, but didn’t provide details.

In a Swiss valley deep below a mountain ridge where the resort sits, Swiss troops set up a makeshift heliport in a grassy field ringed by barbed wire Monday in preparation for the summit as cowbells clanged nearby.