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Tuesday 18 June 2024

Startup "Focus" Changes the Lives of Teenagers

Students of MiniBoss Business School created a project "Focus" that changes the lives of teenagers.

Our guest is a true enthusiast of his work, who, together with his team, creates unique courses and programs that help young people overcome fears, develop and achieve their dreams. Let's learn more about this project, its purpose, challenges, and future plans.

- Hello Lev! How are you doing, how is your summer going?

- Hello! The summer is going well, relaxing, I am personally preparing for the World Championship and other events in my life.

- That sounds cool! Our main topic today is your project, because it is really interesting to see you in a new role, let's say, as the captain of a social project. Please tell us about your project. What inspired you to create it?

- Our project "Focus" is aimed at motivating teenagers through our original content. This motivation is directed not towards changes, no, but towards transforming their lives. The inspiration came from the summer of 2023, when I spent almost all the time at home, sometimes going out only for training. I realized that something needed to change, and then I thought, why not do it here, at MiniBoss. And that's how it happened!

- What are the main goals and mission of your project?

- The goal of our project is to motivate our target audience (i.e., teenagers studying in middle/high school and university) to change/transform their lives. Our mission is to carry, you could say, such a "Great Fire" of motivation and success to people. For example, this month we are holding our, hopefully not the first, course "Extroverts Marathon 21", the goal of which is to overcome social phobia in one's, well...let's say body, which has been present in people since childhood. I think you all have felt those moments when you are afraid to do something in terms of communication with people. This is the direction we are working in.

- Your project "Focus" sounds very interesting and really inspiring. Motivation and life transformation for teenagers is an interesting topic, especially in our time when youth faces many challenges and obstacles. I know many teenagers need support to unlock their potential and find their way in life, I went through it myself. I am very interested to hear more about how your project helps teenagers. Lev, you mentioned the "Extroverts Marathon 21". It sounds like a very interesting thing. Could you tell us more about this course? What specific methods and approaches do you use to help participants overcome social phobia?

- Yes, of course. In this course, we talk about various skills, "tricks" and generally share our life experiences and how we dealt with these situations. Over 21 days, at first the "students", let's call them that laughs, listen to lectures, theoretical material while simultaneously performing tasks or tests, in different blocks of this course in different ways.

- I see, and what about the impact on society? What changes does it bring?

- Before and after this course, we collected/collect feedback on such, let's say... "human fears" that concern our students. One person, I won't name names, but he is in 11th grade, had a great fear of old people. That is, he really couldn't stand them - he was afraid, embarrassed, avoided them in every possible way, etc. And during our course, he realized that this problem stems from his childhood situation, which I don't want to name smiles, but the point was that in childhood one old person simply laughed at him! Later, in a personal conversation with him, we worked a bit on this situation, and now it is much easier for him to communicate with such, let's say, elderly people.

- Wow, what an interesting story! Honestly, I haven't met such people, but still, you are great for helping teenagers with such problems. But solving such problems requires a very strong team. Lev, how do you choose partners and employees for your project? What is important to you in this process?

- As the CEO of the project, I will say that my team is a real Dream Team! You know, for the last 3 years, working on my business project almost alone, I achieved significant success there, andnow this  year it was time to work in a team, at least that's what I thought to myself.. In the fall, I started assembling a team, I gathered really strong and experienced people...we even have some kind of small balance between those people who have been here at MiniBoss for over 5 years, and people who are in MiniBoss for only the first year! And I believe that for such a team our overall results are very cool. I selected them based on the criteria that were important for the creation and development of this project, such as responsibility, understanding the goals and objectives of the team/project, determination, patience, communication with people, and so on.

- It is very important that you managed to gather such people who share your values and the goal of the project. Next question - Do you plan to expand the project in the future? What are your plans and dreams for the future?

- Our plans include reaching 10,000 subscribers on Telegram and TikTok. We also want to hold the second stage, you could say...of our course, because really, by collecting all the feedback from the previous one, you start to better understand - what do people need? What can be removed, what can be added, etc. Well, and also promote the English version of our project. By the way, taking this opportunity, subscribe to our social networks!

- Very ambitious plans! I wish you good luck and inspiration to achieve them! Thank you very much for an interesting conversation and I wish you success in achieving all your goals. One more question to finish: What would you advise those who are just starting their way in creating similar projects?

- Try new things here. You need to experiment. You shouldn't think that it won't work, that they
won't understand. Here, in life, you need hard, oh! *smiles*

- Thank you very much for this inspiring conversation!

The "Focus" project really impresses with its goals and achievements. Your determination, dedication to the cause and innovative approach to motivating teenagers deserve great respect. I wish you and your team further success in achieving your ambitious plans, expanding your audience, and improving courses. We believe that your project will continue to change the lives of young people for the better.

The team will present their project at the Startup World Cup Championship - 2024, which will be held this summer in Turkey.

Learn more: YouTube, Instagram, Telegram, TikTok.