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Monday 24 June 2024

The Global Business Week 2024 will be held in Istanbul on June 29 - July 2

We will meet there with hundreds of global business leaders from 35+ countries. But let's know more about Turkish Business Etiquette in advance.

Business Etiquette

Corporate social responsibility has become a vital and popular issue in Turkey. It has become apparent to businesses that developing the sustainability of resources is as important as financial sustainability.

Business interest in corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility is growing in Turkey. According to a recent survey of leading Turkish automotive distribution companies, there is a rising awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility in Turkey.

The findings of the survey highlighted the need for the Turkish parliament to pass relevant legislation and introduce tax incentives in order to promote corporate social responsibility and provide programs for community involvement, especially in education.


Turkish people are very traditional and formal when doing business. Therefore, scheduling appointments in advance is important. Furthermore, Turkish people value punctuality and expect international professionals engaging in business with them to do the same. If for some reason you are going to be late, it is essential to call ahead as soon as possible with a reasonable explanation.

Gift giving

In business relationships, gift-giving is not generally practised. If you decide to give a gift, avoid expensive gifts and choose something small, such as a souvenir from your home country. For social occasions like birthdays, weddings, and religious ceremonies, gift-giving is normal.

Business dress code

Styles of business attire in Turkey, particularly in the larger cities, are pretty much the same as in other developed countries. Men wear a conservative suit and tie, while women normally wear business suits with either a skirt or pants. During the summer, lighter clothes are acceptable; men can wear a shirt and trousers without a jacket and perhaps even a tie, depending on the formality of the business. Women can wear lighter clothes, without a jacket but make sure not to wear anything too tight or revealing.

Why Attend?

  • Global Networking: Connect with over 1,000 business leaders, innovators, and policymakers from 35+ countries.
  • Key Themes: Explore the latest trends in digital transformation, sustainability, and global economic strategies.
  • Exclusive Insights: Attend panels and workshops led by top industry experts and gain actionable insights into emerging markets and business etiquette in Turkey.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Learn about legislative incentives and successful CSR initiatives.

Unique Experience:

  • Cultural Exchange: Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Istanbul, with curated events showcasing Turkish hospitality and traditions.
  • Innovative Solutions: Discover cutting-edge technologies and sustainable business practices that can drive your business forward.

Join Us!

  • Early Bird Registration: Secure your spot now and take advantage of early bird discounts.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Form strategic alliances and partnerships that can open new avenues for growth and expansion.

Don't miss this unparalleled opportunity to position your business at the forefront of global innovation and leadership.

For more information and to register, visit Global Business Week 2024.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Startup "Focus" Changes the Lives of Teenagers

Students of MiniBoss Business School created a project "Focus" that changes the lives of teenagers.

Our guest is a true enthusiast of his work, who, together with his team, creates unique courses and programs that help young people overcome fears, develop and achieve their dreams. Let's learn more about this project, its purpose, challenges, and future plans.

- Hello Lev! How are you doing, how is your summer going?

- Hello! The summer is going well, relaxing, I am personally preparing for the World Championship and other events in my life.

- That sounds cool! Our main topic today is your project, because it is really interesting to see you in a new role, let's say, as the captain of a social project. Please tell us about your project. What inspired you to create it?

- Our project "Focus" is aimed at motivating teenagers through our original content. This motivation is directed not towards changes, no, but towards transforming their lives. The inspiration came from the summer of 2023, when I spent almost all the time at home, sometimes going out only for training. I realized that something needed to change, and then I thought, why not do it here, at MiniBoss. And that's how it happened!

- What are the main goals and mission of your project?

- The goal of our project is to motivate our target audience (i.e., teenagers studying in middle/high school and university) to change/transform their lives. Our mission is to carry, you could say, such a "Great Fire" of motivation and success to people. For example, this month we are holding our, hopefully not the first, course "Extroverts Marathon 21", the goal of which is to overcome social phobia in one's, well...let's say body, which has been present in people since childhood. I think you all have felt those moments when you are afraid to do something in terms of communication with people. This is the direction we are working in.

- Your project "Focus" sounds very interesting and really inspiring. Motivation and life transformation for teenagers is an interesting topic, especially in our time when youth faces many challenges and obstacles. I know many teenagers need support to unlock their potential and find their way in life, I went through it myself. I am very interested to hear more about how your project helps teenagers. Lev, you mentioned the "Extroverts Marathon 21". It sounds like a very interesting thing. Could you tell us more about this course? What specific methods and approaches do you use to help participants overcome social phobia?

Saturday 15 June 2024

AvatArt Studio: Digital AI Technology is a future of Your Business

Young startuppers, Maksym Vlasenko and Anastasiia Azarova, who will represent the United Kingdom at the upcoming Startup World Cup Championship 2024 in Istanbul shared with us their groundbreaking startup and discussed the emerging trends of business avatarization in the coming years. 
These ambitious entrepreneurs have developed a startup that leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence and digital technologies to create lifelike business avatars. Their platform, aptly named AvatArt Studio, provides businesses with the tools to digitize their brand presence and create highly personalized digital avatars that can represent them in various online and virtual environments.

The Rise of Business Avatarization
“We envision a future where every business, regardless of size, can have a dynamic and engaging digital presence,” said one of the co-founders, Maksym. “Our avatars are not just static images but interactive, adaptive representations that can engage with customers, provide information, and even conduct transactions in real time.”

The concept of avatarization is rapidly gaining traction as businesses seek new ways to connect with their audiences in an increasingly digital world. This trend involves creating digital avatars—animated, virtual representations of real individuals or brands—that can interact with customers on social media, websites, and virtual platforms.

“Business avatarization is the next frontier in digital marketing and customer engagement,” explained another team member, Anastasiia. “With advancements in AI and machine learning, avatars can now replicate human expressions, voice tones, and even body language, making interactions more authentic and personalized.”

Advantages of Business Avatarization
The young entrepreneurs highlighted several key benefits of adopting business avatars:
Enhanced Customer Engagement: Digital avatars can provide a more interactive and engaging customer experience, responding to queries and providing support around the clock.
Cost-Effective Solutions: By utilizing avatars, businesses can reduce the need for large customer support teams, leading to significant cost savings.
Global Reach: Avatars can communicate in multiple languages and operate in different time zones, helping businesses reach a global audience effortlessly.
Brand Consistency: Avatars ensure consistent brand messaging and presence across various digital platforms.
Future Trends in Avatarization
The team believes that avatarization will become increasingly sophisticated and widespread in the coming years. 
Some of the trends they anticipate include:
 AI-Driven Personalization: Avatars will use AI to provide highly personalized interactions based on customer data and preferences.
Virtual Reality Integration: Businesses will utilize avatars in virtual reality environments, creating immersive customer experiences.
Emotional Intelligence: Avatars will be equipped with emotional intelligence, allowing them to recognize and respond to customer emotions effectively.
Seamless Integration: Avatars will be seamlessly integrated into existing business processes, from customer service to marketing and sales.

Preparing for the Startup World Championship
As they prepare to showcase their innovative startup on the global stage, the young entrepreneurs are optimistic about the future of business avatarization. “We are excited to represent the UK and demonstrate how our technology can transform businesses worldwide,” they shared. “Our goal is to set a new standard for digital interaction and help businesses thrive in the digital age.”

The World Championship provides an excellent platform for these young visionaries to present their ideas, gain international exposure, and attract potential investors and partners. With their passion and innovative spirit, they are poised to make a significant impact in the world of business and technology.

In conclusion, the young startuppers from the UK are at the forefront of a digital revolution that promises to reshape how businesses interact with their customers. Their startup, AvatArt Studio, exemplifies the potential of business avatarization to enhance customer engagement, improve operational efficiency, and expand global reach. As they prepare to compete at the World Championship, their vision and determination offer a glimpse into the future of digital business.

AvatArt is an art of business digitalization. More Money, Less Work!
Book a meeting with us at

Wednesday 12 June 2024

About 90 countries to take part in the Swiss-hosted Ukraine peace summit. Russia won’t attend

Switzerland — Nearly 90 countries and organizations, half from Europe, have confirmed attending the Swiss-hosted Ukraine peace summit over the weekend, Switzerland’s president said Monday. However, Russia won’t be there.

Moscow has not been invited but says it would not have attended anyway as the conference is based on the peace proposals of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that Russia rejects.

President Viola Amherd told reporters in the Swiss capital, Bern, that the summit, on Saturday and Sunday, will aim to chart a path toward possible peace nearly 28 months after Russian forces invaded Ukraine and the war grinding on.

“This is not about propaganda,” said Amherd. “This is about the basis of humanitarian aid provided by Switzerland, based on fostering peace (and) to provide a platform to initiate a dialogue.”

The Swiss president said that most participants would be top country leaders, with about half represented at the head of state or government level, and “a handful” from organizations like the United Nations.

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz are expected to attend the summit at the Bürgenstock resort overlooking Lake Lucerne in the village of Obbürgen.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will take part on behalf of the United States. President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, will join Harris as part of the U.S. delegation.

About 160 invitations have been sent out and Amherd said it was not a “disappointment” for the Swiss government that fewer than 100 have so far announced participation in the first phase of the peace process.

Swiss authorities said the final list of participants was expected by Friday, but key developing countries like Turkey, South Africa and Brazil haven’t indicated whether they would attend. India they said, will take part but it isn’t clear at which level.

Brazil and China said they wouldn’t take part unless both sides – including Russia – were at the table, according to Swiss officials. Beijing has been one of the top supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin since the war started, and has said the criteria for its participation will be “hard to meet.”

Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis also addressed reporters, saying Switzerland has repeatedly acknowledged that there cannot be a peace process without Russia. “The question is not whether Russia will be on board, the question is when.”

He also said Switzerland is in frequent contact with authorities in Moscow about the conference.

Ukraine has helped coordinate the summit, and Zelenskyy is expected to attend. Cassis said Swiss officials had to balance considerations that Ukraine might not have attended if Russia was represented.

Zelenskyy has gone on a diplomatic push to try and lure attendees to the summit. He has also accused China and Russia of trying to undermine it. The Swiss-hosted conference follows on the heels of the G7 summit in neighbouring Italy.

Swiss officials say the conference aims to set a course toward “lasting peace” in Ukraine, to reach a “common understanding” toward getting there, and draw up the “roadmap” on how to get both sides involved in talks. Nuclear security, humanitarian aid and food security are also on the summit’s agenda.

As many as 4,000 military personnel will be deployed to provide security and support air transportation, surveillance and roll out security fencing and steel wire for the event, officials said, adding that an increase in cyberattacks in the run-up to the summit was noted, but didn’t provide details.

In a Swiss valley deep below a mountain ridge where the resort sits, Swiss troops set up a makeshift heliport in a grassy field ringed by barbed wire Monday in preparation for the summit as cowbells clanged nearby.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Germany hosts recovery conference for Ukraine

The two-day Ukraine Recovery Conference comes ahead of a peace summit in Switzerland

Germany is hosting a conference on Tuesday to gather support for Ukraine's recovery from the destruction wreaked by Russia's war.

The meeting aims to send a new signal of solidarity with Kyiv at the start of a week of intense diplomacy.

The two-day Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin follows a similar gathering in London a year ago. It comes before the Group of Seven summit of Ukraine's leading Western allies in Italy and a global peace summit in Switzerland this coming weekend.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who last week attended events marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in France, is expected at the gathering, which the German hosts say will bring together 2000 people from politics, business and other areas.

“Even during the current times of war, Ukraine needs to continually rebuild houses, water pipelines, hospitals and power grids,” German Development Minister Svenja Schulze said in a statement. “People want to keep on living in their country, and to do so they need electricity, water and a roof over their heads.”

The task of supporting Ukraine's recovery in the short and long term “is too big to be tackled by governments alone — which is why we are expressly inviting companies, civil society and municipalities to the conference,” Schulze added.

Among other immediate problems Ukraine faces, sustained Russian attacks on its power grid in recent weeks have forced leaders in Kyiv to institute nationwide rolling blackouts.

In London last year, Ukraine’s allies pledged several billion dollars in nonmilitary aid to rebuild the country’s infrastructure, fight corruption and help pave Kyiv's road to membership in the European Union.

That focus on reforms remains central this year.

“We are pulling out all the stops so that Ukraine can soon take a seat at the table of the European Union — because, in addition to our military support, that’s the best protection there is,” German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said.

BOSSWOMAN 2024 Global Leadership Summit united 35+ countries

Welcome to the GLOBAL BUSINESS WEEK 2024 and BOSSWOMAN Global Business Summit!
Turkey, Istanbul 29.06-2.07.2024.

GBW is an annual business event for governments and businesspersons from 35+ countries to enhance business contacts, international trade and global partnerships.

The main topics of GLOBAL BUSINESS WEEK are:
Global Challenges and Business Solutions: Participants engage in discussions about pressing global challenges, and sustainability issues and suggest solutions.

Promotion of Innovation: GBW encourages innovation through the exchange of ideas and experiences. Entrepreneurs can explore innovative approaches, disruptive technologies, and sustainable practices that drive global business forward.

Cultural and Diversity Celebration: It celebrates the richness of global diversity by bringing together individuals from various cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. This cultural exchange fosters understanding, tolerance, and adaptability in the global business community.

GLOBAL BUSINESS WEEK is a dynamic and inclusive forum that transcends borders, fostering a global community committed to driving innovation, economic progress, and sustainable business practices.
We call it #GlobalBusinessCivilization.
You will be part of a global movement of change-makers who are committed to advancing entrepreneurship, family business culture and partnership worldwide.

You will attend the #GlobalBusinessWeek2024Turkey#BIGBOSS2024Summit and #BOSSWOMAN2024 at the prestigious 5-star Elite World Grand Hotel.

By participating in the Global Business Week in Turkey, you have the opportunity:
- To meet a lot of business people,
- To find your new potential collaborates, clients, friends,
- To present yourself and your business,
- To bring your team and stand a booth with your product,
- To talk with other business owners from 30+ industries,
- To know more about other nations as a part of Cultural Diplomacy,
- To know more about global networking as a part of Global Business Civilization.

Start GREAT THINGS TOGETHER with us right now!

We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to YOU!

Find Your New Partners, Clients, And Like-Minded Friends!


Monday 3 June 2024

From now MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL in Melbourne, Australia

Congratulations to Elena Chirich on acquiring another franchise of the MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL for the city of Melbourne, Australia! 

For three years of work in the city of Brisbane, Elena has already achieved significant success in business, and the students of the MiniBoss Bristene branch have already visited the Startup World Cup Championship in Glasgow, UK and won gold and silver WINNER MEDALS!

In a move aimed at nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit from a young age, MiniBoss Business School, catering to children and teenagers aged 6 to 18, has opened its newest branch in Melbourne. This endeavour marks a significant step towards not only fostering a culture of entrepreneurship but also strengthening familial and business values within the country.

The establishment of MiniBoss Business School in Melbourne holds immense importance in shaping both the family and business cultures of the nation. By instilling foundational business knowledge and skills in the younger generation, the school aims to cultivate a mindset of innovation, resilience, and creativity from an early age. This, in turn, has far-reaching implications for the future trajectory of the economy and the quality of life for its citizens.

The impact of MiniBoss graduates on the economy is profound. As these young individuals transition into adulthood, armed with entrepreneurial acumen and a proactive mindset, they are poised to become drivers of economic growth and innovation. The entrepreneurial ventures they embark upon contribute to job creation, investment, and the overall expansion of the economy, thereby directly influencing GDP growth.

Moreover, the influence of MiniBoss extends beyond economic metrics. By nurturing young minds in the principles of responsible entrepreneurship and leadership, the school plays a pivotal role in fostering a sense of responsibility and integrity within future business leaders. This, in turn, fosters a stronger sense of community and familial values, as individuals learn the importance of collaboration, ethical conduct, and social responsibility in their pursuits.

Elena Chirich, the entrepreneur who acquired the franchise for MiniBoss Business School in Melbourne, embodies the essence of female leadership, responsible entrepreneurship, and mindfulness in shaping the next generation of innovative entrepreneurs. Her dedication to empowering young minds and instilling in them the values of ethical business practices and social awareness serves as a shining example for other entrepreneurs.

Through the MiniBoss Business School, Elena Chirich not only cultivates future business leaders but also champions diversity, inclusivity, and sustainable business practices. Her leadership exemplifies the transformative power of entrepreneurial education in shaping not only economic prosperity but also social cohesion and familial values.

In conclusion, the inauguration of MiniBoss Business School in Melbourne heralds a new era of entrepreneurial education, poised to shape the future of both the economy and society. By nurturing young minds and fostering a culture of innovation and responsibility, the school paves the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for generations to come.

Startup World Cup Championship 2024 will be held in Istanbul

Startup World Cup Championship 2024: Showcase of Entrepreneurial Minds

SWCC was previously carried out in the UK, Ukraine, USA, Philippines, South Korea, Bulgaria and other countries. In 2024, Turkey was chosen for the World Cup as it connects Europe and Asia.

 We are excited to announce the upcoming Startup World Cup Championship 2024, set to take place from June 29 to July 2 in the vibrant city of Istanbul, Turkey. This prestigious event will gather young entrepreneurs from across the globe, providing a platform for them to present their innovative ideas and compete for the title of world champion in startup entrepreneurship.

The Startup World Cup Championship has gained significant popularity among young entrepreneurs for several reasons:

Global Exposure: The Startup World Cup offers a global platform that provides young startuppers with exposure to international markets, investors, and media.

Prize Money: The competition features a substantial prize, which is highly attractive for startups seeking funding to scale their operations.

Mentorship and Learning: The event often includes workshops, seminars, and talks by successful entrepreneurs and experts. These sessions provide valuable insights, guidance, and learning opportunities for young startups.

Media Coverage: The Startup World Cup garners significant media attention, which can be beneficial for startups in terms of publicity and brand recognition. Media coverage can help in attracting new customers and talent to the startup.

Experience and Confidence: Participating in a high-stakes competition helps young entrepreneurs gain experience and confidence in pitching their ideas, dealing with high-pressure situations, and presenting their business to a discerning audience.

Access to Resources: Many participants gain access to resources such as office space, business services, and technology tools through partnerships associated with the competition.

Inspiration and Motivation: The event brings together ambitious and innovative individuals, creating an inspiring environment. The stories of success and the energy at the event can motivate participants to persevere and strive for greater achievements.

Competitive Edge: Standing out in a prestigious competition like the Startup World Cup can give startups a competitive edge in their industry, distinguishing them from their peers and providing leverage in negotiations and market positioning.

Networking Opportunities: Participants have the chance to meet and network with industry leaders, potential investors, and fellow entrepreneurs.

Overall, the combination of financial incentives, exposure, learning opportunities, and networking makes the Startup World Cup an attractive event for young entrepreneurs looking to accelerate their startups' growth and success.

The success of the 2023 Championship held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, set a high standard for what promises to be an even more thrilling event this year.

In SWCC 2023, young entrepreneurs from various countries showcased their startups in two distinct leagues:

·        SIFE - Innovative Commercial Entrepreneurship and

·        SAGE - Social Entrepreneurship.

Highlights from the 2023 Championship in Glasgow

The 2023 Championship was a resounding success, with participants demonstrating their ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit. Young innovators presented their groundbreaking startups to a panel of esteemed judges and an audience of their peers. The competition was fierce, but a few teams stood out, earning the coveted titles of world champions.

In the SAGE MINIBOSS league, the top prize went to the team SCAM BUSTERS (Toby MusumeciIgnatius Mukhtar), Australia.

In the SIFE MINIBOSS league, the top prize went to the team ECONOTES (Salima Mammadli, Esma Dashdamirli, Esma Dashdamirli) Azerbaijan.

In the SIFE BIGBOSS league, the top prize went to the team MAPHI (Anastasiia Azarova) UK.



At the SWCC 2024, participants will have the opportunity to present their startups, network with like-minded individuals, and receive valuable feedback from industry experts. The championship not only recognizes and rewards innovative ideas but also fosters a global community of young entrepreneurs dedicated to making a positive impact.

Mark your calendars and prepare to be amazed by the ingenuity and passion of young entrepreneurs at the Startup World Cup Championship 2024 in Istanbul, Turkey. 

Sunday 2 June 2024

From now MINIBOSS in Taipei

MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL, an international educational network and part of the International Business Academy Consortium (United Kingdom), proudly announces the opening of its first branch in Taipei, Taiwan.

Exclusive Training for Young Entrepreneurs

Starting in September 2024, the first 100 students will have the opportunity to join this unique training programme. The number of places is limited, so it is essential to apply as soon as possible. Classes are held in-person on Saturdays: 2 hours per week in the first half of the year, and 3-4 hours in the second half.

Comprehensive Personal Development and Practical Experience

Each student receives a special study guide. They visit major global companies throughout the year and learn about dozens of successful projects. There is no equivalent to this system in terms of completeness and creativity of material presentation.

Long-term Perspective

Founded in 2000, MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL offers eight areas for comprehensive personal development. IBAC also offers hundreds of programmes, from children's courses to MBA. Graduates of the 8-year programme can continue their education at BIGBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL, where they receive specialised business education, support from international mentors, business angels, and institutional investors.

Contribution to Taiwan’s Future

The opening of MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL in Taipei promotes the development of the next generation of entrepreneurs, positively impacting the country's economy and creating new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Friday 31 May 2024

Києву не 1500, не 2000 і не 2661 років. А понад 2700

Справжня історія величного міста Києва.

Monday 20 May 2024

Iran's Ebrahim Raisi: The hardline cleric who became president

Ebrahim Raisi is a hard-line cleric close to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, whose election as president in 2021 consolidated the control of conservatives over every part of the Islamic Republic.

The 63-year-old former judiciary chief succeeded Hassan Rouhani after a landslide victory in a poll which saw many prominent moderate and reformist candidates barred and the majority of voters stay away.

He took power as Iran faced multiple challenges, including acute economic problems, escalating regional tensions, and stalled talks on the revival of a nuclear deal with world powers.

However, his time in office has been dominated by the anti-government protests that swept across Iran in 2022, as well as the current war in Gaza between Israel and the Iran-backed Palestinian group Hamas, during which Iran's shadow war with Israel burst into the open.

He has also faced continuing calls from many Iranians and human rights activists for an investigation into his alleged role in the mass executions of political prisoners in the 1980s.

Ebrahim Raisi was born in 1960 in Mashhad, Iran's second biggest city and home to the country's holiest Shia Muslim shrine. His father, who was a cleric, died when he was five years old.

Mr Raisi, who wears a black turban identifying him in Shia tradition as a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, followed his father's footsteps and started attending a seminary in the holy city of Qom at the age of 15.

While a student he took part in protests against the Western-backed Shah, who was eventually toppled in 1979 in an Islamic Revolution led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

After the revolution he joined the judiciary and served as a prosecutor in several cities while being trained by Ayatollah Khamenei, who became Iran's president in 1981.

Mr Raisi became the deputy prosecutor in Tehran when he was only 25.

While in that position he served as one of four judges who sat on secret tribunals set up in 1988 that came to be known as the "Death Committee".

The tribunals "re-tried" thousands of prisoners already serving jail sentences for their political activities. Most were members of the leftist opposition group Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), also known as the People's Mujahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI).

Sunday 19 May 2024

Usyk became the Undisputed Winner

Tyson Fury suffered a split-decision points defeat on a dramatic night in Saudi Arabia as Oleksandr Usyk became boxing's first four-belt undisputed heavyweight champion.

On a grand stage and on a legacy-defining night, Briton Fury began well but was given a standing count and saved by the bell after an Usyk onslaught in the ninth round.

In a tense wait for the scorecards to be read out, Fury appeared convinced of victory before a stony-faced Usyk broke down in tears when he was confirmed as the winner.

The scorecards read 115-112 and 114-113 for the Ukrainian, with a third judge scoring it 114-113 to Fury.

It meant Fury, 35, lost for the first time in a 16-year professional career. He will get an immediate opportunity for revenge with a rematch planned for later this year.

"I believe he won a few of the rounds, but I won the majority," a defiant Fury said in the ring.

"His country is at war, so people are siding with the country at war. Make no mistake, I won that fight in my opinion."

He added: "It was one of the daftest decisions in boxing. I'll be back."

Usyk takes the WBC belt from Fury, to add to his WBA, WBO and IBF collection.

The 37-year-old remains unbeaten and is the first boxer in almost 25 years to stand tall as the sport's sole heavyweight world champion.

"Thank you so much to my team. It's a big opportunity for my family, for me, for my country. It's a great time, it's a great day," Usyk said.

"I am ready for a rematch."

Tuesday 23 April 2024

MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL opened a third branch in Australia - now in Sydney!

Good news for today! The MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL in Australia branch # 3 is now in Sydney!

Australia and Sydney in particular are famous for their famous actors such as Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, Naomi Watts... and famous entrepreneurs and their brands originating from Sydney:

Atlassian - Founded by Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar, Atlassian is a leading software company known for products like Jira, Confluence, and Trello.

Canva - Founded by Melanie Perkins, Cliff Obrecht, and Cameron Adams, Canva is a popular graphic design platform used for creating presentations, social media graphics, and other visual content.

WiseTech Global - Founded by Richard White, WiseTech Global provides software solutions for the logistics industry, including CargoWise, a comprehensive logistics execution platform.

Cochlear Limited - Cochlear Limited, established by Dr. Graeme Clark, is a medical device company known for its cochlear implants, transforming the lives of people with hearing loss.

Airtasker - Founded by Tim Fung and Jonathan Lui, Airtasker is an online marketplace that connects people needing tasks done with skilled individuals offering their services.

R.M. Williams - Originally founded by Reginald Murray Williams, R.M. Williams is an Australian footwear and clothing company known for its iconic leather boots and outback-inspired apparel.

MiniBoss Australia is an Australian education company with British roots in the form of Saturday Business Schools, revolutionizing children's education, known for its unique programs, business games as a way of learning, business incubators and international business events.

In conclusion, the inauguration of MiniBoss Business School in Sydney heralds a new era of entrepreneurial education, poised to shape the future of both the economy and society. By nurturing young minds and fostering a culture of innovation and responsibility, the school paves the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for generations to come.

Congratulations to Elena Chirich on acquiring another franchise of MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL for the city of Sydney, Australia!

For three years of work in the city of Brisbane, Elena has already achieved significant success in business, and the students of the MiniBoss Bristene branch have already visited the Startup World Cup Championship in Glasgow, UK and won gold and silver WINNER MEDALS!
In a move aimed at nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit from a young age, MiniBoss Business School, catering to children and teenagers aged 6 to 18, has opened its newest branch in Sydney. This endeavour marks a significant step towards not only fostering a culture of entrepreneurship but also strengthening familial and business values within the country.

Monday 15 April 2024

MiniBoss Startup Forum: Entrepreneurs Support Student Projects with Grants

The 24th Startup Forum, organised by MiniBoss Business School International and BigBoss Business School International, took place in Odesa.

Children and teenagers aged 6-18 presented their startup ideas and received grants twice as much as they had requested.

The mission of the Startup Forum is to form a new business elite capable of developing national economies, creating new goods and services, and improving people's living standards.

In the first semester, students learn theory in a game format. In the second semester, they move on to practice. They form teams, develop a startup business idea and implement projects in practice.

It is the idea stage of educational process: students present at the Startup Forum ideas of business projects, in which business angels invest their capital.

Later on, the students of the Business School present their completed startups at the Startup National Cup Championship and Startup World Cup Championship, where the best works will receive support, recognition and awards from adult entrepreneurs.

Photos: MiniBoss Business School

Friday 12 April 2024

Impact of war duration on Ukraine's economy: World Bank forecast

The economic prospects of Ukraine depend on the timing and volume of external assistance inflows and the anticipated duration of the Russian invasion, according to the World Bank forecast for Europe and Central Asia countries.

According to an indicative scenario that assumes active combat will continue throughout 2024, GDP growth in 2024 is expected to be 3.2%. Starting in 2025, Ukraine's economic growth is projected to accelerate to 6.5%, which aligns with the base assumption as export growth and investment in recovery pick up.

Private consumption growth is expected to remain modest due to a restrained monetary policy necessary to curb post-war inflation.

Inflation is expected to rise in 2024 due to one-off factors but is forecasted to decline from 2025 onwards.

"This scenario is subject to significant downside risks due to the vulnerability of Ukraine's economic trajectory to external financing shortfalls and the possible prolongation of the active hostilities beyond 2024. Should downside risks materialize, a more stringent macroeconomic adjustment could become necessary. That adjustment could affect social spending and transfers to households that most of the poor have come to depend on, which could push many of them deeper into poverty," the overview states.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

US tightens restrictions on export of AI chips to China

The administration of Joe Biden reviewed restrictions on the supply of American artificial intelligence (AI) microchips and chip production tools to China, reports Reuters.

As explained by the news provider, the restrictions were introduced for reasons of national security. The rules were first implemented in October 2023 and aimed to halt shipments of advanced AI microchips developed by Nvidia and other companies to China. States fear that the progressive technological sector will contribute to the strengthening of the Chinese military.

The new restrictions will come into effect on Thursday, April 4. Among them, restrictions will also apply to laptops containing these chips.

"The Commerce Department, which oversees export controls, has said it plans to continue updating its restrictions on technology shipments to China as it seeks to bolster and fine-tune the measures," Reuters adds.

Chip supply restrictions to China

Sunday 31 March 2024

France to send hundreds of armored vehicles and missiles to Ukraine - Ministry of Defense

France is preparing a new package of military aid for Ukraine. It will include hundreds of armored vehicles and Aster anti-aircraft missiles, according to the French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu.

He noted that the focus is on armored vehicles currently in France's inventory, but they are planning to replace them with newer ones.

"To hold such as extensive front line, the Ukrainian army needs for example our VAB vehicles: it's absolutely essential for troop mobility. This old equipment, still operational, will be able to directly benefit Ukraine in significant quantities. We can talk about hundreds of them for 2024 and early 2025," the minister said.

According to Lecornu, France also aims to assist in strengthening Ukraine's air defense, thus preparing a new batch of Aster 30 anti-aircraft missiles for the SAMP/T air defense system. These SAM systems are counterparts to the Patriot system.

The minister added that France is developing remotely controlled munitions. It is likely that they could be delivered to Ukraine as early as this summer.

France's assistance

It is worth noting that France is one of the leading countries in providing assistance to Ukraine. Paris has provided military and financial aid and supported EU sanctions against Russia.

In winter, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited France and signed a security guarantee agreement with President Emmanuel Macron.

Later, Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine would receive a new package of military assistance from France, including artillery shells, self-propelled artillery systems Caesar, and additional air defense reinforcement.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Senlis: The Home of Anna of Kyiv, Queen of France

Senlis - The Town of Anna Yaroslavna

Located 50 kilometers north of Paris, the town of Senlis is known to tourists as one of the oldest towns in France and to locals as the town of Anna of Kyiv, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise.

This town is unlike any other in France. It features low-rise sand-brown buildings, narrow streets, and a quiet that is occasionally broken by the chime of bells.

It has preserved architecture from the Gallo-Roman period and the Middle Ages. The remnants of the town walls from those times, the Notre-Dame de Senlis Cathedral built in the 12th century - one of the first Gothic cathedrals in France, and several monuments to Anna of Kyiv.

There are no new buildings in the town. The Senlis City Hall does not grant permits for the construction of modern buildings.

The Notre-Dame de Senlis Cathedral is a prime example of French Gothic.

Anna of Kyiv moved to Senlis with her son in 1060 after the death of her husband, Henry I of France, of the Capetian dynasty. She lived in the town for the rest of her life and was also buried there.

Anna of Kyiv, as she was known in Europe, is not well documented. She was reputed to be an unusually beautiful woman with "golden" hair and blue eyes.

The queen was very educated: she knew Greek and Latin and signed herself "Anna-regina" (Queen Anna) at a time when King Henry I would simply mark a cross for his signature.

According to some sources, Anna of Kyiv brought the so-called Reims Gospel, written in Cyrillic and Glagolitic, to France. For several centuries, all subsequent French kings took their coronation oaths on it.

In the 1060s, Anna founded the Abbey of Saint Vincent in Senlis and also opened a small church.

During the French Revolution, the abbey was destroyed but was later restored.

At the entrance to the monastery, a statue of the queen holding a model of the church she founded was erected. The inscription on the pedestal reads: Anne de Kiev - reine de France (Anna of Kyiv - Queen of France)

Today, the abbey's territory hosts a lyceum, and the nearby church was purchased in 2013 by the Ukrainian Eparchy of Saint Volodymyr in Paris.

The church serves as a temple of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. A cultural center dedicated to Anna of Kyiv, representing Ukrainian culture, has been opened there.

Another monument to Queen Anna was gifted to Senlis by Ukraine in 2005. President Viktor Yushchenko participated in its unveiling. At that time, Senlis and the Pechersk district of Kyiv officially became twin towns.

Today, French and Ukrainians together honor the memory of Anna of Kyiv. Every May, celebrations of Queen Anna's days take place in Senlis, France.


Monday 18 March 2024

Alibaba Group plans to deliver parcels using rockets

The Taobao online store, which is part of the Alibaba Group, intends to deliver packages to its customers worldwide in the future using reusable rockets from the Space Epoch startup, according to Reuters.

For the past few years, Space Epoch has been developing reusable rockets capable of delivering cargo to low Earth orbit. The company's rockets will be 64 meters long and can deliver up to 6.5 tons of payload to a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 1100 km. The company estimates that one rocket can be used up to 20 times. Currently, tests and trials of individual rocket elements are underway.

According to Taobao's plan, the online platform will be able to use these rockets for express delivery of goods worldwide. It is envisaged that tons of cargo will be delivered on one rocket in special containers.

However, Taobao representatives note that despite plans to start test launches in the coming years, implementing this delivery method in the short term is unlikely.

Sunday 17 March 2024

Google engineer steals AI technology, works for China - US Department of Justice

Working for a Chinese company, a Google engineer has been secretly stealing artificial intelligence technology since 2022, according to Business Insider.

According to the agency, 38-year-old Google engineer Linwei Ding has been charged by the US Department of Justice for stealing artificial intelligence technology. This involves more than 500 files containing information about the application of AI by Google's artificial intelligence data processing center.

According to prosecutors, around June 2022, the specialist, who had been working at Google since 2019, began cooperating with a Chinese company, which, according to the agreement, could offer him a salary of over $14,000 monthly.

As part of his job responsibilities, the man had access to confidential information about AI models and their hardware structure, such as how neural networks work or are applied.

Saturday 16 March 2024

GLOBAL BUSINESS WEEK 2024 will be in Paris, France

GLOBAL BUSINESS WEEK 2024 & EUROWOMAN Global Forum will be held on March 27 - April 3 in Paris, France.

Together, we embark on a remarkable journey of forging a community of business leaders and individuals who shape the present and construct the future for their nations - GBW 2024 Paris



Participants of Global Business Week have a unique opportunity to establish valuable business connections, explore new opportunities for international expansion, and enhance their knowledge of global business.

This event offers a stimulating environment for idea exchange, strategic partnerships, and discussions on key challenges and trends impacting the global market.


Whether you are an entrepreneur, a top executive, or a student, Global Business Week provides a rich programme that will help you broaden your understanding of modern international business practices and inspire you with new possibilities and innovations.

Join Global Business Week and immerse yourself in the dynamic atmosphere of global business, where the brightest minds come together to create a future.


Global Business Week is an international business event that brings together leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators from around the world to exchange knowledge, experience, and perspectives in the field of international business.

This week is filled with diverse seminars, conferences, panel discussions, and business meetings covering a wide range of topics related to global entrepreneurship, international investments, digital technologies, marketing, sustainable development, and more.

The special event will be the EUROWOMAN Global Forum on March 28.

The Forum has 2 parts: Women in Global Diplomacy & Women in Business.

The threat of the Third World War prompted millions of people around the world to come out in defence of Ukraine and not allow the spread of terror and evil emanating from Russia. Today, when Russia kills peaceful Ukrainians every day, economic, climate and business issues have become secondary, because everyone felt how precarious life on Earth is when the presence of nuclear weapons caused the emergence of terror in the hands of russia. All of this forced us to reconsider the basic laws and institutions on which the world stands in order to make the world a safer and more responsible place.

The forum speakers will form their proposals and formulas for global security because every life matters and global leaders are united in an effort to change the world for the better.

The event will mark the importance of women coming together to make a difference by using their voices to champion change. By supporting one another to challenge global law-breaking, and inequalities and educate others on how positive change is achieved. The forum will mark the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. 

Charity will be an obligatory part of the forum. Forum delegates will raise money for support for Ukrainian children affected by the war.

Organizers of the event: Olga Azarova, Tatyana Markova, Svetlana Gerey, Lyudmila Stanislavenko - World Woman Club and Cultural Diplomacy NGO.

Your registration here - Official website:

Friday 15 March 2024

Russian missile attack on Odesa kills at least 20 people

More than 75 injured in Odessa city during deadliest attack on Ukrainian civilian area in weeks

A Russian ballistic missile attack has killed at least 20 people and injured more than 75 in the Black Sea city of Odesa, Ukrainian officials have said.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Russia would receive a “fair response” from Ukrainian forces for what he said was a “vile” strike on a city that has been attacked by Russian drones or missiles almost every day this month.

The attack on civilian infrastructure was Russia’s deadliest in weeks after moscow recently increased its strikes on the port city.

Two Russian Iskander-M missiles fired from the Moscow-occupied peninsula of Crimea struck a residential area in Odesa on Friday, the regional governor, Oleh Kiper, said on national television. Some residents were facing gas and electricity supply cuts as a result of strikes, he added.

“The explosion was very strong, especially the second one … This is a very powerful missile that flies from the occupied Crimea in a few minutes,” Kiper said.

A second missile killed a medic and a rescuer after they rushed to the scene to treat people hurt in the initial strike. Ten people received serious injuries, Kiper said.

Zelenskiy said on Telegram: “Our defence forces will certainly do everything to ensure that the Russian killers feel our fair response.”

Residents were rushing to donate blood, creating queues at medical centres. Saturday was declared a local day of mourning.

A three-storey recreational facility was destroyed in the attack, as well as at least 10 private houses, the southern military command said. Bodies were laid out in foil protective blankets, while dozens of rescuers battled to put out fires and cleared the rubble.

Odesa, one of Ukraine’s biggest ports, has long been a target of Russian attacks, especially after Moscow quit a UN-brokered deal that had allowed safe passage for Ukrainian grain shipments via the Black Sea.

“The Russian terror in Odesa is a sign of the weakness of the enemy, which is fighting against Ukrainian civilians at a time when it cannot guarantee the safety of people on its own territory,” the Ukrainian presidential chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, wrote on Telegram.

Moscow denies targeting civilians in the full-scale invasion of Ukraine it launched in February 2022, although many have been killed in frequent Russian airstrikes across the country.

Ukraine has developed and used long-range drones to try to strike back at Russia, stepping up attacks on a string of oil refineries this week in the run-up to Russia’s 15-17 March presidential election.

Ukraine attacked a small refinery in Russia’s Kaluga region with drones on Friday in an operation conducted by the GUR military spy agency, a Ukrainian intelligence source told Reuters.

Friday 8 March 2024

Olga Azarova: 12 stages of the evolution of women rights

Women's rights are rights considered inherent and inalienable to every woman (girl, young woman) regardless of her citizenship, age, race, ethnicity or religion.
But it was sometimes different from this.

The 100% News interviewed and discussed the evolution of women's rights in the world from a famous woman, entrepreneur, and innovator - Olga Azarova, founder and President of the International Club of Successful Women WORLD WOMAN CLUB, Honorary UN Ambassador for Women's Entrepreneurship, Laureate of the Rating of the 500 Most Powerful Women in the world according to FORTUNE magazine.

The article is based on a story by Olga Azarova.

"Let's start with the fact that 100 years ago WOMEN DID NOT have basic property rights, to work, study, vote, or even to live.

Stage 1. Suffragettes.

Maybe you haven't even heard of it. In post-Soviet countries, they did not talk about this. But the first women's rights were demanded in Great Britain.

Suffragettes (from the French suffrage - suffrage) are participants in the movement to give women voting rights. Suffragettes also opposed discrimination against women in general in political and economic life. They considered it possible to fight using radical actions.
The first was the British Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), a women-only movement founded in 1903 by Emmeline Pankhurst that engaged in direct action and civil disobedience. A good film, Surazhist, was created, led by Meryl Streep and other outstanding actresses.

In 1893, New Zealand became the first self-governing country to grant the right to vote to all women over 21 years of age. When women in Britain failed to gain suffrage in 1903, Pankhurst decided that women should “get to work themselves.” The motto of the WSPU became “deeds, not words.” Suffragettes harassed politicians, attempted to storm Parliament, were attacked and sexually harassed during clashes with police, chained themselves to railings, broke windows, set fire to mailboxes and empty buildings, planted bombs to damage churches and property, and faced wrath and ridicule in the media controlled by politicians.

2nd stage. Acts.

The suffragette campaign was suspended with the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. After the war, Britain's Representation of the People Act 1918 gave women over 30 the right to vote in recognition of their contributions to the war effort. Ten years later in 1928, women gained the right to vote on an equal basis with men when the act granted the right to vote to all women over the age of 21.

3rd stage. First UN Act

It was only after the Second World War that gender equality became part of international human rights law, adopted in the Declaration by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948 - 45 years after the start of the suffragette struggle.

4th stage. Feminism

A social global movement in favour of the actualization and expansion of women's rights, civil and political (the right to personal security and autonomy; the right to vote (suffrage); the right to hold public office; to work; to fair wages and equal remuneration, the right to own property; to education, to serve in the army or the right to be called up; to enter into contracts and have family, parental and religious rights) - until they are completely equal in everything with men, it is called feminism.

Expansion of women's rights in Western Europe and the USA in the 19th and 20th centuries

For a Western European woman, a special incapacity has developed, which begins with her entry into marriage and ends with the termination of the marriage. The extreme manifestation of this incapacity was provided by English law. By virtue of her marriage, a woman completely lost her legal personality. Husband and wife were one person, and that person was the husband. He could not give anything to his wife or enter into an agreement with her because one cannot negotiate with oneself; her debts before marriage became her husband’s debts; her will was destroyed when she got married; all her movable property became the property of her husband; Only though he used her immovable (or more precisely, material) property, he needed her consent to dispose of it. She was unable to conclude an agreement; if she concluded it with the consent of her husband, then he was considered responsible; he was obliged to cover her household debts, on the assumption that she was acting as his representative. All these principles of English common law have been weakened in practice by courts of "equity" and individual statutes; for example, the wife’s separate property was secured for her by the fiction that its owner was another faithful person (trustee), and the wife only used it. It was not until 1882 that women in Great Britain gained the right to own property without a trustee and the right to make a will.

In the US, Mississippi was the first state to pass a married woman's right to property law in 1839, followed by other states.
In Sweden, a similar law was passed in 1874.
Only in Germany in 1957 was a law on equality adopted, according to which the husband could no longer dispose of his wife’s property received before marriage, and property acquired during marriage became a common value subject to fair division upon divorce; the husband was deprived of the right to spend his wife’s salary according to at his own discretion (women could now open bank accounts themselves) and could no longer demand that the employer fire her.
In the United States, only in 1963 did the law on equal pay come into force, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in the field of wages, in 1968 the law on gender equality in housing construction was adopted, in 1974 - on equality of women in education, in 1975 - on equal opportunities in lending.

Abortion without medical reasons was only legal in the UK in 1967, in the US in 1973 nationwide, in France in 1979 and has now been included in the Constitution since 2024. 

5th stage. The first UN Congress of Women was only in 1975 - only 49 years ago.

As the international feminist movement began to gain momentum in the 1970s, the UN General Assembly declared 1975 International Women's Year and organized the first World Conference on Women in Mexico City. On the urgent recommendation of the Conference, the period 1976–1985 was declared the UN Decade for Women and a Voluntary Fund was established to implement the objectives of the Decade.

6th stage. Only in 1979 were Women's rights approved at the UN!

The General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 1979, often referred to as the International Bill of Rights for Women. The Convention recognizes culture and tradition as influential forces in shaping gender roles and family relationships and is the first human rights treaty to affirm women's reproductive rights.

7th stage. The Birth of Global Feminism

In 1985, a World Conference was held in Nairobi to review and evaluate the achievements of the UN Women's Decade: Equality, Development and Peace. It was convened at a time when the movement for gender equality had finally gained truly global proportions. In addition, 15,000 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) representatives participated in the parallel NGO Forum.

This event has been described as "the birth of global feminism". Recognizing that the goals of the Mexico City Conference had not been fully achieved, representatives of the 157 participating countries adopted the Nairobi Forward Strategies for the Advancement of Women to the Year 2000. This document took the gender perspective to a new level, declaring that it should be taken into account in all considerations.

8th stage. Commission on the Status of Women

The Commission on the Status of Women is established as the premier global intergovernmental body dedicated exclusively to promoting gender equality and empowerment.

9th stage. Women's organization in the UN

It was only in 2010 that delegates to the UN General Assembly voted unanimously to create a single United Nations entity responsible for accelerating progress towards achieving the Organization's goals related to gender equality and women's empowerment. The new UN entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women, called UN Women, brings together four divisions of the world organization: the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the Division for the Advancement of Women, the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and the Advancement of Women and the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women.

10th stage. Eliminating violence against women

 The UN system continues to pay special attention to the issue of violence against women. The 1993 General Assembly Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women defines violence against women and clearly sets out the rights to ensure the elimination of violence against women in all its forms. The Declaration reflected the determination of States to fulfil their obligations and the commitment of the international community as a whole to efforts to eradicate violence against women.

Violence against women is an epidemic that affects all countries, even those that have made some progress in other areas. Globally, 30 % of women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a partner or sexual violence by a non-partner. In the war in Ukraine and the Middle East, women are killed and raped. This malicious terror of Russia and its hangers-on must be punished both at the UN level and at the level of the Tribunal in The Hague.

The Spotlight Initiative, jointly with the European Union, allocates resources to work to end violence against women and girls as a prerequisite for equality and empowerment.

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is celebrated on November 25th.
In 2023, our Club of successful women allocated significant amounts of money for the rehabilitation of women after captivity in the russian federation.

11th stage. International Women's Day 

International Women's Day on March 8 emerged as a day of women's solidarity in the struggle for women's rights and emancipation.

International Women's Day was preceded by National Women's Day, which was celebrated in the United States on February 28, 1909, in memory of the events of the previous year, 1908 - a strike by textile workers in New York who demanded improved working conditions.

The annual celebration of International Women's Day began with the Second International Conference of Socialist Women, held in Copenhagen in 1910. Clara Zetkin suggested celebrating this day. One of the goals was the fight for universal suffrage for women as a continuation of the cause of the British suffragettes.

Although the idea of International Women's Day first arose at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the industrialized world was experiencing a period of turmoil, a demographic boom and the emergence of radical ideologies, it was only in March 1975, under a UN directive, that International Women's Day began to be celebrated by UN member states.

In addition to International Women's Day, the official UN days related to women are the following: International Day of Zero Tolerance towards Female Genital Mutilation (6 February), International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February), International Day against Sexual Violence in conflict (June 19), International Widows Day (June 23), International Day of the Girl Child (October 11), International Rural Women's Day (October 15). 

12th stage. Global Partnership

Currently, women's suffrage has been introduced in most countries of the world. Among the first to introduce women's suffrage were New Zealand (1893), Australia (1902), in Europe - the Grand Duchy of Finland (1906), in the Islamic world - the Crimean People's Republic (1917). Some of the latest are Kuwait (2005), the United Arab Emirates (2006) and Saudi Arabia (2011).

Strong gender traditions, where girls and women had equal (or almost equal rights) with men since ancient times, were observed in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kievan Rus (Ukraine). Famous female rulers of antiquity: Queens Kubaba, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, and Grand Duchess Olga.

Today, together we are building a new attitude towards a woman as completely equal in rights with men, revered and respected in society as a MOTHER, DAUGHTER, WIFE, PARTNER.

This is why we are creating the next 100 years of struggle for women's rights and the next level of intellectual feminism by holding Global Women's Forums.
EUROWOMAN - March 28 Paris
BOSSWOMAN - June 29, Istanbul.

Join us!